Sunday, August 03, 2008
Russia and Ukraine have points of approach in military technological field
Russia and Ukraine have points of approach in military technological field
Aug 3, 2008: Despite the existing problems, it seems that Moscow and Kiev have long-term mutually beneficial joint plans in the military technological field. The topic of the project for the development and construction of military transport airplane An-70 surfaced in the dialogue between the two countries again. Recently, De-fense Minister of Ukraine, Yury Yekhanurov, announced that he talked to his Russian colleague about this issue in February.
Yekhanurov added, "Russian De-fense Minister Serdyukov said that Russia was interested in this project and they would work. So far, there have been no practical steps but the Russian party confirms that it will work in this direction in principle." According to Yekhanurov, the An-tonov corporation is currently testing this airplane.
Yekhanurov added, "however, all work is being done very slowly because of the current situation." According to him, the Ukrainian De-fense Ministry already ordered two such airplanes to Kiev-based Aviant.
Earlier, it was reported that the Russian party was going to restart financing of a project joint with Ukraine for the creation of military transport airplane An-70. In 2006, the Russian Defense Ministry an-nounced withdrawal from the An-70 program explaining that IL-76 was the main airplane of the Russian mili-tary transport aviation. In accordance with the estimates approved by the parties, expenditures of Russia and Ukraine on the An-70 program amount to approximately $1.5 billion and the need for financing for the accomplishment of research and de-velopment is about $100 million.
Meanwhile, the production of IL-76 was not started in Russia yet ei-ther. There are certain difficulties in the transfer of production of this air-plane from Tashkent (Uzbekistan) to Ulyanovsk (Russia). Thus, the An-70 project may be interesting for Mos-cow again, at least for the sale of this airplane to third countries and possi-bly to NATO. So far, the alliance agrees with aviation cooperation both with Moscow and Kiev.
For example, the united fleet of Ukrainian and Russian heavy trans-port airplanes An-124-100 Ruslan with a cargo capacity of 120 tons will continue the fulfillment of strategic transportation in the framework of NATO's program SALIS (Strategic Airlift Interim Solution) in the inter-ests of 18 countries of NATO and European Union. During the interna-tional aerospace show Farnborough-2008 (UK), General Director of Ruslan International, Valery Gabriel, reported that according to results of negotiations with NAMSA (NATO Maintenance & Supply Agency) be-tween April and May, an agreement was achieved on prolongation of the contract on use of Ukrainian and Russian Ruslans in the framework of SALIS singed at the end of 2005.
Gabriel explained, "signing the prolonged contract is scheduled for autumn: we plan to do this until No-vember. The contract will be pro-longed for two years."
According to him, under the con-tract terms two An-124-100 will re-main permanently based in Germany in the airport of Leipzig and four airplanes will be provided to the cus-tomer at demand. According to the company, since January 2006 the united fleet performed 687 flights in the framework of SALIS, had fight time of 6,500 hours and transported more than 306,000 tons of cargoes. The main destination countries are Afghanistan, Congo, Chad and Dji-bouti. The leading international op-erators of Ruslan airplanes are Rus-sian company Volga-Dnepr and Ukrainian Antonov Airlines. At the end of 2005, they signed a three-year contract worth 600 million euros with NAMSA with a possibility of prolongation on transportation of cargoes in the interests of NATO and European Union. The contract was signed according to results of victory in a NATO tender the terms of which implied the provision of strategic transportation of the alliance until 2012, that is until the beginning of operation of new European transport airplanes A400M.
Restarting series production of modernized Ruslan with a cargo ca-pacity of 150 tons - An-124-100M-150 - is planned for 2012 in a broad Russian-Ukrainian cooperation. The new version of the airplane certified by the interstate aviation committee in June of 2007 complies with re-quirements of European control of zonal navigation P-RNAV, as well as accuracy requirements of piloting airplanes Р-RNP-1. Preparation for the validation of certificate of type by the EASA was already started. Ruslan International Ltd (UK) estab-lished by the partners in 2006 acts as the marketing agent of the Ukrainian and Russian operators. At present, this company controls 35% of the international market of transportation of super heavy and bulky cargoes and the share of Ruslan SALIS GmbH (Germany) is 11%.
Pakistan urges US on intelligence, equipment sharing to combat terrorism

Al-Qaida: Explosives Expert Wanted by US Killed

CAIRO, Egypt August 3, 2008 (AP): Al-Qaida says explosives expert wanted by US killed along with 3 other commanders. Al-Qaida confirmed Sunday the death of a top commander accused of training the suicide bombers who killed 17 American sailors on the USS Cole eight years ago.
Abu Khabab al-Masri, who had a $5 million bounty on his head from the United States, is believed to have been killed in an airstrike apparently launched by the U.S. in Pakistan last week.
An al-Qaida statement posted on the Internet said al-Masri and three other top figures were killed and warned of vengeance for their deaths. It did not say when, where or how they died but said some of their children were killed along with them.
Pakistani authorities have said they believe al-Masri is one of six people killed in an airstrike on July 28 on a compound in South Waziristan, a lawless tribal region near the Afghan border.
The U.S. military has not confirmed it was behind the missile strike. But similar U.S. attacks are periodically launched on militant targets in the tribal border region.
Deadly San Andreas Fault Longer Than Thought

The new finding, meanwhile, adds 18 miles (30 kilometers) of earthquake potential to the deadly major fault that devastated San Francisco and Loma Prieta in 1906 and 1989, respectively.
A scientist discovered the San Andreas Fault was longer while he was studying boiling pools of mud called mud pots and small, erupting mud volcanoes near the Salton Sea (learn more), a saltwater lake about 165 miles (265 kilometers) southeast of Los Angeles.
Study author David Lynch of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) was studying the size, activity, and gas chemistry of the mud pots, which result from a range of geothermal activities and are sometimes associated with fault lines.
"As locals showed me where many of the pots were, I noticed that they tended to line up," Lynch said. "I plotted them on a map and realized they aligned with the San Andreas."
Faulty Assumption
The San Andreas Fault is a boundary between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates.
When the stress between the plates becomes too great, the rocks shift, causing the earth to shake.
Over time, the earthquake movements tend to leave visible traces on the surface, such as furrows and cracks in the ground, making it possible to identify where a fault line actually is. Geologists have suspected that the San Andreas Fault might extend beyond the visible traces in Southern California, but so far there has been no evidence.
Using satellite imagery and physical searches of the land, Lynch and study co-author Ken Hudnut, also of the USGS, identified a cluster of 33 boiling mud features, which, when plotted, formed a clear line extending 18 miles (about 30 kilometers) southeastward from the previously accepted endpoint of the San Andreas Fault.
The scientists say the usual fault line indicators are not visible near the Salton Sea because the San Andreas Fault has not been active in the area for quite some time.
Without regular activity disturbing the ground and creating surface markings, agriculture and erosion have effectively erased it from the landscape, they said.
The study appears in the August issue of the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.
Shaken But Not Stirred?
"Clearly something interesting is going on here," said Michael Manga, a geophysicist at the University of California, Berkeley.
Manga, who is not involved with the study, wondered why the mud pots and mud volcanoes are active.
"Documenting their history—when they appeared, how long they last—may be a useful test of this hypothesis that they are an extension of the fault," Manga said.
"Knowing history may also provide insight into the plumbing of the fault and the origin of the fluids and high pressure needed to make mud volcanoes."
Roger Musson, a seismologist at the British Geological Survey, was not so impressed with the finding.
"This study only extends the length of the San Andreas by a few percent of its total length," he said. "Interesting though it is, [this] does not represent a major change [in] our understanding of the seismic hazard of Southern California."
Bangladesh proposes South Asia military cooperation

Aug 03, 2008 (BBC Monitoring via COMTEX) -- Bangladesh has urged other South Asian leaders to work out a roadmap to fight against poverty and hunger and achieve accelerated economic and social growth to the benefits of the people.
"South Asia is home to almost a half of the world's poor. Global economic slowdown, soaring oil and food prices and growing threats of climate change are driving the destitute people of the region even further below the poverty line," the chief adviser to Bangladesh's interim government, Fakhruddin Ahmed, said addressing the 15th SAARC [South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation] summit in Colombo.
The two-day gathering of the heads of the government or the state of SAARC began at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall on Saturday.
Fakhruddin said, "It is incumbent on us who have gathered here today to clearly chart out a roadmap for SAARC for greater prosperity and welfare of the peoples of the South Asia."
He said, "We must redouble our efforts to attain the SAARC Development Goals within the targeted timeline. I believe national action on poverty alleviation should be complemented by effective and robust regional initiatives in order to have a penetrative impact on poverty reduction in South Asia."
The Bangladesh leader also stressed the need for cooperation to develop short- and long-term action to address food security, fight against terrorism, explore alternative sources for energy, face challenges of climate change and increase trade for the establishment of the South Asian Economic Union.
In his speech, the head of Bangladesh's interim government, backed by the army, proposed working out a mechanism among the armed forces of the region to advance the mutual interest, including training facilities.
Referring to Bangladesh's proposal at the SAARC Council of Minister's Meeting on 31 July in Colombo, he said, "Bangladesh has suggested a methodology for structured contacts between our armed forces. Such links exist at the bilateral level. Together we provide a huge majority of the world's peacekeepers. I believe it may be worthwhile to devise such a system that can periodically bring senior officers of our military forces together to determine how best we can advance our mutual interests. We may also share training facilities under this scheme."
Fakhruddin said food crisis because of recent global price spiral led the region to find out a collective solution to tackle food security.
He said, "We need to develop strategies, not only to address short-term supply side stocks, but also to strengthen cooperation to increase agricultural productivity. I would stress early ratification and activation of the SAARC Food Bank to address the situation."
On the issue of terrorism, he said, "The deadly fangs of terrorism are spreading across the region. They threaten to disrupt peace and democracy. We must combat the menace of terrorism across the broadest possible spectrum."
He expressed his satisfaction at the plan signing of the anti-terror deal, SAARC Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, on Sunday and felt the legal instrument would be an important tool for the members for an effective and meaningful cooperation in fight against all serious and organised crimes.
Fakhruddin said South Asia witnessed a tremendous increase in demand for energy because of high growth in the region and energy played a key role in economic, social and human development, including in poverty alleviation.
Against the backdrop of such energy requirement, he said the region might explore all the avenues - bilateral, sub-regional and regional cooperation - to harness renewable sources of energy such as hydro-power, solar power, bio-fuel and wind to address energy crisis.
He said, "We should strive to develop conventional and alternate sources of energy to ensure steady energy supply at an affordable cost."
Regarding climate change, considered an issue of major concern in recent times, he said, "In South Asia, global warming is rendering natural disasters frequent and more intense, causing greater damage and devastation to lives and livelihood."
"We must bear in mind that it is our collective responsibility to save our planet for the present and futurity," Fakhruddin said.
Touching on the issue of trade, he said despite SAFTA [South Asia Free Trade Agreement] being in place, non-tariff and para-tariff barriers, and complicated and cumbersome customs procedures stand in the way of greater intra-regional trade.
He pointed out that a long, sensitive list close to preferential tariffs and rigidities in other structural and policy frameworks stood in the way of people's desire for a fully-integrated South Asia.
Fakhruddin said, "Clearly there is a need to remove such hurdles to enhance intra-regional trade."
He also pointed out that the intra-regional investment flows were very small in South Asia. Given the right kind of environment and confidence, the potential for increased intra-regional investment is huge.
"I feel that restrictive investment regime is one of the inhibiting factors in attracting foreign direct investments. In this context, it is important that the draft agreement on promotion and protection of investments is finalised at the earliest," he said.
Source: New Age website, Dhaka, in English 03 Aug 08
BBC Mon SA1 SAsPol smm
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Dark history

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U.S. Navy: Small Valve Leak Found On Nuclear Sub

3 August, 2008: A small radioactive leak aboard the fast-attack submarine Houston was confirmed during testing July 24, prompting submarine officials to notify federal authorities, according to a Navy spokesman.
The boat was in dry dock for scheduled maintenance when the leak was discovered, said Lt. Cmdr. David Benham, spokesman for Naval Submarine Forces Pacific in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. One of the shut valves associated with the boat's propulsion system was "weeping" water at a rate higher than design specifications, he said.
"At no time was there any risk to the reactor plant, the safety of the crew or the safety of the public," he said.
For context, he said the amount of radioactivity released was "less than the quantity of naturally occurring radioactivity in a bag of common lawn and garden fertilizer."
"The design specification is set very low to ensure we fix any problems while they are small, before they grow into bigger problems," he said.
Benham said officials are looking into the duration of the leak, and added that officials notified the state of Hawaii and the Departments of Health and Energy after it was discovered. "That's the standard for us; anything out of the ordinary, no matter how miniscule, we notify proper authorities," he said.
China launches high-speed train

3 August, 2008: A week before the Olympic Games, China has launched its first super high-speed intercity rail route.
The 120-km (75-mile) line will shuttle athletes and spectators between Beijing and neighbouring Tianjin, where Olympic football matches will be held.
Trains will reach speeds of 350 km/h, cutting journey times between the cities from 70 to 30 minutes.
The railway is part of the new infrastructure that China has put in place for the Games.
Rail enthusiasts began queuing on Thursday for tickets for the train's inaugural run, China's Xinhua news agency reported.
A tour inside the new super high-speed intercity train
Twin ceremonies were held in Beijing and Tianjin on Friday, with the first trains set to depart shortly afterwards.
The high-tech trains, which feature swivel seats and smart interiors, can accommodate about 600 people.
Construction began on the new line in July 2005. It has cost a total of 21.5bn yuan ($3.1bn, £1.55bn), Railway Minister Wang Zhiguo said.
A first class ticket will cost 69 yuan ($10), while a second-class ticket is 58 yuan.
China:Fighters practice operational ferrying immediately after rain

3 August, 2008: In view of the tasks of combat readiness and operational needs, an aviation regiment of the PLA Air Force sticks to the practice of being strict in training and active in exploring new modes of operational tactics and military training under complicated conditions aiming at uplifting the overall combat capability of the troops constantly. The fighters of the regiment are seen in the pictures getting ready to soar up to the sky in a hurry and practice operational ferrying immediately after a spell of rain.
Armed policemen on patrol duty around Shenyang Olympic Sports Center

3 August, 2008: In full vigor and fervor, the officers and men of the Armed Police Liaoning Contingent are ready to devote themselves to the work of ensuring the security of the Olympic Games and honor their pledge of being the loyal guardians with actual deeds. They are shown in the snapshot policing the surroundings of the Shenyang Olympic Sports Center.
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