The Russian Miracle And Magnificent Doctor Is Absolutely Stunning, Who Cures Every Disease With Own Formula: Part # 2 (Topic - Allergy)
*DTN News will up-date on weekly basis info on the Russian miracle and magnificent doctor respectively. This is an exclusive story of DTN Defense-Technology News
(NSI News Source Info) SINGAPORE - May 6, 2009: The miracle doctor is Ashot Khachatryan Papikovicha, he is very kind, ge

ntle and humble also known as 'Professor K' or '
Professor DaDa' (In Russian Da means Yes) . The Professor K is very confident on his formula curing every possible human disease and repeats Da....Da!
Founder and President of the Academy-KHACHATRYAN Ashot PAPIKOVICH - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Inventor of Russia, Laureate of the Prize Goskomizobreteny USSR, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, Academician of European Academy of Natural Sciences, academician of the New York Academy of Sciences, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.
ALLERGY-TRUE CAUSE FOUND! According to the developers of the project
«The European Network for Asthma and Allergies» 2015 European countries facing the epidemic of allergic diseases. Scientists from 25 research centers argue that if not the true cause of allergy, by which time half of Europeans will suffer from allergies.
To date, three main causes of allergies. First, it is the allergens, ie substances that provoke its appearance. It can be food, smells, animal fur, etc. The second reason is emissions-free pool of histamine, which causes an allergic reaction. The third reason - immunodeficiency. Accordingly, methods for the treatment of allergies are usually to the exclusion of allergens and receive antihistamines and immunostimulatory drugs.
Before the so-called treatment is to identify the allergen samples. And I have to say, the list of allergens is so high that all of this so-called treatment is absurd.
With current treatment methods is that some people suffering from allergies, it can not be practically nothing is, nothing to breathe - in this case, they rid themselves of allergic manifestations, but not from the allergy. Agree, this is small consolation for those who wish to live a full life with no allergies, and without it.
It is evident that the cure for any disease, you need to find its true cause and eliminate it. Indeed, today there is more questions, on which there is no answer. What is the cause of education free of histamine in the body?
Why are some allergens act on some and not act on other people?
Is there a way out of this vicious circle, or people with allergies and will be doomed for life to swallow handfuls anti-allergic drugs (protivoallergicheskie) means that can alleviate the condition only for the duration of their admission?
Out there! According to Professor Khachatrian AP in patients with allergy, from faecal masses colon is almost always provided with pathogenic Escherichia coli gistaminogennym factor. Studies have shown that it blocks the enzyme gistaminazu, which regulates the formation of histamine.
Gistaminaza When the enzyme is blocked, there is education and the uncontrolled release of histamine in the body, which is the main cause of allergic reactions. As for the pathogenic Escherichia coli? Where did it appear?
The point is that in the process of evolution of man in his large intestine to settle more than 500 species of bacteria, which reaches hundreds of thousands of billions. They are involved in metabolism, synthesis and sharing of vitamins.
One of the main functions of intestinal microflora - neutralization of the food allergens that are in principle exist in any food as well as the formation and maintenance of the immune system. Stress, poor ecology, fillers and chemical preservatives in foods, the excessive passion for medicine and others, kill good intestinal microflora.
Instead, inhabits a bad microflora. Thus, the root cause of allergy is to reduce the number of a good colon microflora and, consequently, a violation of neutralizing allergens, immune deficiency. The emergence of pathogenic Escherichia coli, which blocks the enzyme gistaminazu that leads to the formation of excess free histamine in the body.
Permanent absorption into the blood allergens and toxins on a background of immunodeficiency and increased content of histamine, resulting in allergic reactions and allergies in general. Professor Khachatrian AP developed a new method for treating various forms of allergies both in children and adults, based on addressing the root causes of the disease.
Method has been patented in Russia and the United States and allowed to fully heal (and do not learn to live with the disease), many patients with allergies and other diseases, in which it rests.
Founder and President of the Academy-KHACHATRYAN Ashot PAPIKOVICH - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Inventor of Russia, Laureate of the Prize Goskomizobreteny USSR, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, Academician of European Academy of Natural Sciences, academician of the New York Academy of Sciences, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.
Born in 1956 in Yerevan in a family of doctors. In 1980 graduated from the Yerevan Medical Institute and moved to Novosibirsk. In 1989 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. In 1992, he had already awarded a doctorate in medical sciences. He is the author of 6 monographs and more than 300 scientific and popular articles, more than 60 patents, received in the country and abroad, more than two dozen branch rationalization proposals significance of the use of the Ministry of Health of Russia. His inventions were awarded many medals - three gold and two silver and two bronze medals VDNKh USSR medals R. Koch, P. Ehrlich, A. Schweitzer, R. Virhova, diplomas and medals awarded at international exhibitions.
In 1988, he awarded the first prize Goskomizobreteny the USSR for the development of new diagnostic methods, recognized as the best invention of the year in all areas of science and technology.
In 1998, Presidential Decree him the honorary title «Honorary inventor of Russia» for the long and fruitful work on inventions and rationalization of health care. This honorary title was awarded to doctors only, Professor G. Ilizarov and Academician S. Fyodorov.
In 2004, for the high scientific and technological advances in health care, Khachatrian AP was awarded the highest award of the European Academy of Natural Sciences - «Grand Cross», as well as medals Virhova R. and A. Schweitzer.
In 2006, for the great achievements in the health and recovery of the population of Russia, he was awarded the highest medal a sign of Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences «Gold Medal them. A. Chyczewska ».
The name of Ashot Khachatryan Papikovicha known far beyond the boundaries of our country. Widely known of his device and methods for early, rapid - diagnosing various pathological conditions and diseases, including cancer.
He is the author of the original concept of the causes of cancer, as well as many other serious human diseases. They developed and successfully introduced into clinical practice new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the various, currently considered incurable, disease.