(NSI News Source Info) April 21, 2009: Airbus, the world’s leading aircraft manufacturer, its parent company EADS, a global leader in aerospace, defence and related servic
es and the Russian Technologies State Corporation’s integrated structure VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, the Russian Titanium manufacturer, have signed the biggest and longest-term contract in the history of Airbus/EADS cooperation with Russian industry.

The agreement was signed today in Moscow by Sergey Chemezov, General Director of the Russian Technologies State Corporation and Tom Enders, President and CEO of Airbus in the presence of Vladimir Putin, Russian Prime-Minister, Walter Jürgen Schmid, German Ambassador to Russia, Jean de Gliniasty, French Ambassador to Russia and Juan Antonio March Pujol, Spanish Ambassador to Russia.
The agreement covers the supply of Titanium to Airbus and other EADS Divisions until 2020. The scope of the contract includes the supply of Titanium and covers die forging parts for all existing Airbus aircraft, including new programmes such as the A350XWB. VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation may also machine Titanium products in order to develop a vertically integrated Titanium supply chain, starting from raw materials to finished products.
The contract comes as a confirmation of the framework agreement signed in July 2008 at Farnborough Airshow. The new agreement further boosts the relationship between the companies, which dates back to the early 1990s. It also enlarges Airbus’ cooperation with the Russian aviation industry, which currently includes production of components for Airbus at Russian plants, passenger to freighter aircraft conversions (P2F) and joint Research & Technology (R&T) projects.
VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation strengthens its role as a leading supplier of Titanium to Airbus/EADS, covering major Titanium requirements. The benefits of Titanium include strength and low weight properties that are in high demand in the aerospace industry. On aircraft, it is used in particular for landing gear systems, pylons and structural parts of the fuselage and wings.
“Airbus is preparing for long-term growth. This agreement is an important pillar of our internationalisation and especially our strategic relationship with Russian industry", says Tom Enders, President and CEO of Airbus. Sergey Chemezov, General Director of the Russian Technologies State Corporation adds, “The signed agreement demonstrates that Russia can offer high technology products to the world market and is one of the leading players in such an important sector as the aerospace industry.”
VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, integrated structure of the Russian Technologies State Corporation, is the world’s largest Titanium producer. At present the Company exports 70 per cent of its products, 30 per cent are sold in the domestic market. Major customers of VSMPO-AVISMA are the world’s leading aircraft-building companies. The Company is fully vertically integrated and employs over 20 000 people.
The Russian Technologies State Corporation is a legal body established by the Russian Federation in the form of state corporation business entity. The mission of the Russian Technologies State Corporation is assistance to Russian design and manufacturing organizations in developing, producing and exporting high technology industrial products in the domestic and foreign markets, and attracting investments to enterprises in various sectors of industry. The Russian Technologies State Corporation is the main shareholder of VSMPO-Avisma Corporation, owning 66 per cent of its shares. State shareholding of the unique titan manufacturer allows the state to provide the national industry and defence sector with this vital product as well as control titan export.
Airbus is a leading aircraft manufacturer with the most modern and comprehensive family of airliners on the market, ranging in capacity from 100 to more than 500 seats. Over 9,200 Airbus aircraft have been sold to more than 400 customers and operators worldwide and more than 5,600 of these have been delivered since the company first entered the market in the early seventies. Airbus is an EADS company.
EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2008, EADS generated revenues of € 43.3 billion and employed a workforce of about 118,000. The Group includes Airbus as the leading manufacturer of commercial aircraft, with Airbus Military covering tanker, transport and mission aircraft, Eurocopter as the world's largest helicopter supplier and EADS Astrium, the European leader in space programmes from Ariane to Galileo. Its Defence & Security Division is a provider of comprehensive systems solutions and makes EADS the major partner in the Eurofighter consortium as well as a stakeholder in the missile systems provider MBDA.