Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Egypt Millitary To Acquire TOW Missiles And 120MM Explosives

US Army Apaches for Auction?

Predator-series UAVs
Taliban is a problem for Pakistan

MiG-29s Evergreen & More Better

US says funds for F-16s to Pakistan is tough sell

Kazakhstan proposes international uranium exchange

U.S. intelligence gathering ship enters Sevastopol harbor

Russian bombers conduct patrols along South American coast

Pakistan Air Force begins air patrols over North Waziristan news

France hopes to sign India's first nuclear trade deal news

(NSI News Source Info) Mumbai - September 17, 2008: France will soon enter into a bilateral agreement on nuclear trade with India following the Nuclear Suppliers Group's waiver for conducting nuclear commerce with this country.
The NSG waiver ''opens the way for signing of the bilateral agreement, which was finalised during the visit of President Sarkozy in January,'' French minister of state for external trade Anne Marie Idrac said after an Indo-French Joint Committee meeting in New Delhi.
She said France wants to be a key partner for India in the area of nuclear energy and hopes to be the first country to conduct nuclear business with India once both countries sign the previously agreed text for bilateral civil nuclear cooperation, probably by the end of the month, during Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Paris.
With both New Delhi and Paris signing a bilateral treaty, they won't have to wait for the ratification of the civilian nuclear agreement between India and the United States, which is now before the US Congress.
Even if the US Congress doesn't pass the deal, India and France will conduct nuclear trade.
It is also likely that Russia, which is setting up four nuclear power plants in the country, may also soon sign a bilateral treaty with India on nuclear trade.
Russian ambassador to India, Vyacheslav Trubnikov, had stated that an Indo-Russian agreement to buy reactors and fuel will be signed during the visit of President Dimitry Medvedev to New Delhi in December.
India, which is looking to buy uranium from Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) nations post NSG deal, has been ruffled by US President George W. Bush's communication to the US Congress suggesting that Washington had made no legally binding commitments on the supply of nuclear fuel to New Delhi.
India plans to raise these issues before the two countries finally sign the deal.
President Bush, meanwhile, has invited prime minster Manmohan Singh to Washington on 25 September when both sides hope to sign the deal. But signing of the agreement will depend on US congress ratifying it by then.
Commerce and industry minister Kamal Nath who also attended the Indo-French Joint Committee meeting, said that with the NSG waiver, there are opportunities for nuclear trade with any country within the parameters of the nuclear cartel.
He said while it was premature to comment on opening up of the nuclear energy for the private and foreign firms, ''India would be looking for best opportunities in any case," Nath said.
India: Pune is major base for Su-30MKI fighters - to absorb third HAL-constructed squadron
India: Pune is major base for Su-30MKI fighters - to absorb third HAL-constructed squadron
(NSI News Source Info) September 17, 2008: Lohegaon, Pune: Air officer commanding-in-chief of south-western air command (SWAC), Air Marshal KD Singh has said that the Pune-located Lohegaon Air Force Station is set to become one of the most powerful airbases in the western region after a new Su-30MKI squadron is inducted here by December 2009.
Currently, the Lohegaon Air Force Station hosts two squadrons of the Su-30MKI, the 'Lightnings' and the 'Rhinos'. The third squadron of the Su-30MKIs will roll out from the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd factory at Nasik.
According to air force officers, a lot of investment has been made to develop Pune as a base for the Sukhois, which is essential for the upkeep and maintenance of these high-tech aircraft.
A Jaguar squadron located here has recently shifted to Jamnagar airbase in Gujarat for strategic reasons.
Meanwhile, the Indian Air Force team comprising of eight Sukhoi-30MKI aircraft and their pilots and other elements, participants in the prestigious USAF 'Red Flag' exercises held at the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada returned from their strenuous tour on Saturday afternoon. The IAF team comprised eight Sukhoi-30MKI fighters, two IL-78 mid-air refuellers, one IL-76 heavy-lift aircraft and about 250 other staff, including 90 officers.
The team pitted its skills against American F-15s and F-16s, as well as French Rafale and South Korean F-15K fighter jets.
On their way back home the team also stopped over at Abu Dhabi and conducted exercises with the UAE air force.
Also welcoming the air warriors home was NDA Commandant, Air Marshal TS Randhawa, who is the Commodore Commandant of the no 20 squadron (Lightnings).
Group leader Wing Commander George Thomas said, "It was a great training opportunity for IAF to integrate our assets in an adverse environment thousands of miles away along with a country (USA) which is technologically quite advanced."
"Each mission was done to perfection. The main thrust of the exercise was on training. The threat environment was tailored to what your needs are - air, ground, space and water," he said. It was one of the rare occasions in the 33-year-old history of the 'Red Flag' exercise that an invitation was extended to a non-NATO nation, and the first time that the IAF participated.
Responding to the USAF offer that the IAF be a regular participant in the exercise, Air Marshal Singh said: "We would like to have more such exercises. But it's a decision taken at the government level."
Giving details about the exercise, Wg Cmdr Thomas said, "During this phase, a present-day air campaign was replicated, in which opposition forces or the 'Aggressors' F-16 and F-15s, were threats to the Blue Land (IAF) and its forces.
"The tasks are carried out by 'Strike Packages' comprising Su-30s flying along with the US Air Force, French Air Force and Korean Air Force. "The main challenge during the exercise for the team IAF was to adapt to the USAF network and also carry out 'Stand Alone' tasks simultaneously. Our young IAF pilots (average age: late 20s) have done this with amazing dexterity," he said.
The exercise was preceded by two weeks of work-up training at the Mountain Home Air Force Base of the US. The IAF flew over 200 sorties with the USAF. On its return, the contingent also made a week-long stopover at Al Dafra, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and participated in an air exerice with Mirage 2000-9 and F-16 aircraft of the UAE Air Force and Air Defence.

North Korea conducts missile engine test - report

U.K. Report Finds Emerging Threats In Space

(NSI News Source Info) September 15, 2008: Disruptive technologies such as directed energy weapons and the use of electro-magnetic pulse are being identified as "emerging issues" for space security in a key U.K. industry report.
British space industry lobby group U.K. Space will formally launch its "Space Secures Prosperity" report Sept. 16. The study is intended to highlight the extent to which the U.K. is dependent on space systems to support its military and security capabilities. Many of these systems, the report stresses, are foreign. U.K. industry wants to see the government step up its investment in military space.
In examining potential emerging threats to space infrastructure the report notes: "Disruptive technologies -- including electromagnetic pulse and directed energy weapons -- will continue to be developed and proliferate, with implications for the protection of vehicles, ground stations, and data-streams."
It goes on to add: "It is feasible that illegal organizations will seek to disrupt states ability to exploitýýý the use of space by threatening not only the ground stations themselves, but also the communications links between them and their satellites."
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