The Russian Miracle And Magnificent Doctor Is Absolutely Stunning, Who Cures Every Disease With Own Formula: Part # 1
*DTN News will up-date on weekly basis info on the Russian miracle and magnificent doctor respectively. This is an exclusive story of DTN Defense-Technology News
(NSI News Source Info) SINGAPORE - May 2, 2009: The miracle doctor is Ashot Khachatryan Papikovicha, he is very kind, gentle and humble also known as 'Professor K' or '

Professor DaDa' (In Russian Da means Yes) . The Professor K is very confident on his formula curing every possible human disease and repeats Da....Da!
Born in 1956 in Yerevan in a family of doctors. In 1980 graduated from the Yerevan Medical Institute and moved to Novosibirsk. In 1989 he defended his Ph.D. thesis.
Founder and President of the Academy-KHACHATRYAN Ashot PAPIKOVICH - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Inventor of Russia, Laureate of the Prize Goskomizobreteny USSR, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, Academician of European Academy of Natural Sciences, academician of the New York Academy of Sciences, a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.
In 1992, he had already awarded a doctorate in medical sciences. He is the author of 6 monographs and more than 300 scientific and popular articles, more than 60 patents, received in the country and abroad, more than two dozen branch rationalization proposals significance of the use of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
His inventions were awarded many medals - three gold, two silver and two bronze medals VDNKh USSR medals R. Koch, P. Ehrlich, A. Schweitzer, R. Virhova, awarded diplomas and medals at international exhibitions. In 1988, it awarded the first prize Goskomizobreteny the USSR for the development of new diagnostic methods, recognized as the best invention of the year in all areas of science and technology.
In 1998, Presidential Decree him the honorary title «Honorary inventor of Russia» for the long and fruitful work on inventions and rationalization of health care. This honorary title was awarded to doctors only, Professor G. Ilizarov and Academician S. Fyodorov. In 2004, for the high scientific and technological advances in health care, Khachatrian AP was awarded the highest award of the European Academy of Natural Sciences - «Grand Cross», as well as medals Virhova R. and A. Schweitzer.
In 2006, for the great achievements in the health and recovery of the population of Russia, he was awarded the highest medal a sign of Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences «Gold Medal them. A. Chyczewska ».
The name of Ashot Khachatryan Papikovicha known far beyond the boundaries of our country. Widely known of his device and methods for early, rapid - diagnosing various pathological conditions and diseases, including cancer.
He is the author of the original concept of the causes of cancer, as well as many other serious human diseases. They developed and successfully introduced into clinical practice new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the various, currently considered incurable, disease.