Sunday, November 16, 2014


*Concerned by the fate of future generations in the face of the vital challenges of the next millennium
*The Svalbard Global Seed Vault holds the most diverse collection of food crop seeds in the world, with over 60,000 samples from India.
Source: DTN News - - This article compiled by K. V. Seth from reliable sources The Hindu
(NSI News Source Info) KOTTAKKAL, Kerala INDIA - November 16, 2014: In the Arctic winter, the only natural source of light is the moon for half a year. The moonlight is brighter owing to snow albedo casting its magical spell on the endless expanse of ice and snow, in this remarkable place close to the North Pole. Beneath a snow mountain is a concrete entrance to a different type of cave with colourful muted greenish-turquoise and white lights seeming to attract at least someone in this remote part of the earth. The lights, an award-winning design by Artist Dyveke Sanne and KORO (the Norwegian agency that oversees art in public spaces), are a network of 200 fibre optic cables, mirrors, prisms and steel reflecting different patterns for winter and summer.

Beyond the beautiful entrance lies the 100m tunnel leading to the Vault — a state-of-the-art seed protection facility, famously called the ‘Doomsday’ or the ‘Apocalypse’ Seed Bank or ‘Noah’s Ark for seeds’. Welcome to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, located on Spitsbergen Island in the remote archipelago of Svalbard between the North Pole and mainland Norway

From over 1,400 gene banks in the world holding seeds, what makes Svalbard Vault unique is its location — remote from the mainland yet accessible — in a geologically stable area amid thick sandstone rock. The other factors: a peaceful political environment, non-militarised zone, protected from flooding and the rising sea levels, presence of low humidity levels and the perma-frost conditions that preserve the seed deposits even in the event of a power failure. The Vault is a three-party agreement between the Government of Norway, which formally owns the Vault; The Nordic Genetic Research Centre (NordGen) responsible for the Vault’s operation and management; and The Global Crop Diversity Trust (GCDT), which provides scientific guidance and assistance in arranging shipments to the Vault, especially to developing countries. GCDT also finances a large part of the day-to-day operation and management of the Vault.

The loss of crop diversity and the vulnerability of existing seed collections in various seed/gene banks gave birth to the idea in of establishing a back-up seed facility in Svalbard. NordGen converted an abandoned coalmine in Svalbard to store a few seed samples in permafrost conditions in the early 1980s. The positive experience led to the idea of establishing a ‘global vault’ on a bigger scale.

However, the early 1990s witnessed a heated debate on patents and access to genetic resources between member states of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Developing countries insisted on receiving a part of the proceeds from the commercial seed industry since the diversity mainly came from their areas, while the commercial seed industry wanted free access to such resources and the provision to patent the seeds. This led to a standoff between developing and developed states. The breakthrough came in 2004 after the FAO’s International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, an international legal framework for conserving and accessing crop diversity, was agreed upon and the ‘global’ Vault became a practical possibility.

The Vault contains three rooms and has the capacity to store 4.5 million seed samples. Considering that each sample equals 500 seeds, 2.25 billion seeds could be stored — an enormous capacity, equalling all the seed samples preserved today in over 1,400 gene banks in 100 countries. “As of today, a total of 8,24,625 samples are stored in the Vault representing 4,740 species, and we cooperate with 60 institutions that have deposited back ups of their collection in Svalbard,” said Grethe Helene Evjen, coordinator of the Vault project and senior adviser from the Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

The Seed Vault functions like a safety deposit box in a bank. Seeds are stored under ‘black box’ arrangements; i.e. seed packages and boxes will not be opened or sent to anyone, except to the original depositor. The depositing gene banks own the seeds they send to the Vault with no transfer of ownership.

No one can access anyone else’s seeds. The Vault does not make material available to breeders the way a conventional gene bank would. The Vault holds samples originating from almost every country in the world — from major African and Asian food staples such as maize, rice, wheat, cowpea, and sorghum to European and South American varieties of eggplant, lettuce, barley, and potato. In fact, the Vault already holds the most diverse collection of food crop seeds in the world.

“Today, we estimate that there are more than 1/3 of the biodiversity of crop species now secured in the Vault, and of the major crops, roughly half is backed up,” said Professor Roland von Bothmer, from NordGen, and a senior advisor to the Vault project. .“Our aim is to assist gene banks to retrieve their seed samples in case of their samples getting lost due to various reasons like power failure, fire, floods, civil strife or war,” said Grete, quoting the recent example of the Syrian conflict that affected the seed bank in Acarda in Aleppo, which was in danger of losing its deposits. Thankfully, most of the deposits were moved to Svalbard just before the conflict began.

“Although earlier deposits originating from India exist at the Vault, they were done on behalf of ICRISAT, an inter-governmental organisation. The first official deposits from India took place in April 2014 with the deposit of a package of pigeon pea,” said Ola T. Westengen, from NordGen, and Coordinator of Operation and Management at the Vault. He was present when Indian delegation’s Dr. K.C. Bansal, Director, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) deposited the seeds. A total of 66,529 seed samples in the Vault today, have their origin in India. Marie Haga, GCDT’s Executive Director, said that she “was happy to see India’s participation in this worldwide conservation effort.

More so because the first contribution to this global collection is pigeon pea: considered one of the 25 most important crops for global food security,” she said. For the next shipment, NBPGR is preparing around 1,000 wheat varieties. “These could be ready within three months for shipment to Svalbard, after sufficient drying in India,” Dr. Bansal added. Meanwhile, the seeds deposited in the ‘Arctic Noah’s Ark’ are ensured safe preservation, long life and their viability to grow after many years, decades and even centuries — to address the present and future challenges of global food security.

Keywords: Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Spitsbergen Island

*Related Images of Ark in the Arctic;

*Link for This article compiled by K. V. Seth from reliable sources The Hindu
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*Photograph: IPF (International Pool of Friends) + DTN News / otherwise source stated
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News 

Friday, November 14, 2014

DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated November 14, 2014

DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated November 14, 2014
Source: K. V. Seth - DTN News + U.S. DoD issued No. CR-219-14 November 14, 2014
(NSI News Source Info) KOTTAKKAL, Kerala INDIA - November 14, 2014: U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) Contracts issued November 14, 2014 are undermentioned;

SRI International, Menlo Park, California, has been awarded a maximum $38,013,151 fixed-price, cost-reimbursement, requirements type contract to maintain, enhance, and demonstrate advanced microcircuit emulation technology capability and to continue with basic technology and production development.  This contract was a sole-source acquisition.  This is a three-year base contract, with two one-year option periods.  Locations of performance are California and New Jersey, with a Nov. 14, 2017, performance completion date.  Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.  Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 direct site funds.  The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Columbus, Ohio (SPE7MX-15-D-0008).
Michelin North America, Greenville, South Carolina, has been awarded a maximum $32,302,230 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-quantity contract for aircraft tires.  This contract was a competitive acquisition and two offers were received.  This is a two-year base contract.  Locations of performance are South Carolina and North Carolina, with a Nov. 13, 2016, performance completion date.  Using military services are Army and Air Force.  Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 defense working capital funds.  The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Columbus, Ohio (SPE7LX-15-D-0028).
Direct Energy Business, LLC, Woodbridge, New Jersey, has been awarded an estimated maximum $14,633,536 firm-fixed-price, requirements type contract for electricity service.  This contract was a competitive acquisition and three offers were received.  This is a two-year base contract with no option periods.  Locations of performance are New Jersey and New York, with a Dec. 31, 2016, performance completion date. Using services are federal civilian agencies.  Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 service funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Energy, Fort Belvoir, Virginia (SPE600-15-D-8002).
Michelin North America, Greenville, South Carolina, has been awarded a maximum $8,931,528 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-quantity contract for aircraft tires.  This contract was a competitive acquisition and two offers were received.  This is a two-year base contract.  Locations of performance are South Carolina and North Carolina, with a Nov. 13, 2016, performance completion date.  Using military services are Army and Air Force.  Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 defense working capital funds.  The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Columbus, Ohio (SPE7LX-15-D-0026).

Nova Group, Inc., Napa, California, was awarded a $23,015,000 firm-fixed-price contract, with options, for the replacement of the main unit circuit breaker and instrument transformer at the Bonneville Powerhouse One, Multnomah County, Oregon.  Work will be performed in Cascade Locks, Oregon, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 31, 2017.  Bids were solicited via the Internet, with three received.  Fiscal 2015 other procurement funds in the amount of $9,430,000 are being obligated at the time of the award.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, Portland, Oregon, is the contracting activity (W9127N-15-C-0002).
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., Poway, California, was awarded an undefinitized contract action, not to exceed $17,120,120 modification (P00028) to fixed-price incentive contract W58RGZ-12-C-0057 for 16 universal upgrade kits to the existing dual carrier satellite communications ground data terminal and the required integration support.  Fiscal 2014 other procurement funds in the amount of $8,300,000 were obligated at the time of the award.  With this modification, the cumulative total of the contract is $501,200,869. Estimated completion date is Aug. 31, 2016.  Work will be performed in Poway, California.  Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal (Aviation), Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity.
Tech Systems, Inc.,* Alexandria, Virginia, was awarded a $13,664,094 modification (0003) to a cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (W52P1J-12-G-0047) for maintenance, supply, and transportation support to the, Army Support Activity’s Logistics Readiness Center, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.  Fiscal 2014 operations and maintenance (Army) funds in the amount of $13,664,094 were obligated at the time of the award.  Estimated completion date is Dec. 28, 2019.  Work will be performed in Honolulu, Hawaii.  Army Contracting Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, is the contracting activity.
American Construction Co., Inc.,* Tacoma, Washington, was awarded a $6,745,150 firm-fixed-price contract for Ice Harbor and Lower Granite navigation channel maintenance. Work will be performed in Clarkston, Washington, with an estimated completion date of March 28, 2015.  Bids were solicited via the Internet, with two offers received.  Fiscal 2015 operations and maintenance (Army) funds in the amount of $6,745,150 are being obligated at the time of the award.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District, Walla Walla, Washington, is the contracting activity (W912EF-15-C-0003).
BAE Systems Technology Solutions & Services Inc., Rockville, Maryland, is being awarded an $8,480,150 modification to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (N00024-14-C-5404) to exercise option year one for major production and in-service efforts such as the Evolved Seasparrow missile, NATO Seasparrow surface missile system, Stalker long range electro-optical sensor suite and day-to-day office operation in support of the 12 nations that comprise the NATO Seasparrow Consortium.  Work will be performed in Arlington, Virginia (90 percent), and Chesapeake, Virginia (10 percent), and is expected to be completed by October 2015. Fiscal 2015 other procurement (Navy and international) and fiscal 2015 research, development, test and evaluation funding in the amount of $4,061,335 will be obligated at the time of award.  Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity.
Landscape Management Systems, Inc.,* Tumon, Guam, is being awarded a $6,549,106 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for grounds maintenance and tree trimming services at Naval Base Guam and Andersen Air Force Base, Commander Joint Region Marianas.   The contract includes the base period and four option years, which if exercised, will bring the maximum dollar value to $33,399,461.  Work will be performed in Santa Rita, Guam (70 percent), and Yigo, Guam (30 percent), and is expected to be completed by November 2015.  Fiscal 2015 operations and maintenance (Navy, family housing, Army National Guard) and fiscal 2015 working capital funds (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $4,246,913 are being obligated on this award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  This contract was competitively procured via the Navy Electronic Commerce Online website, with five proposals received.  The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Marianas, Guam, is the contracting activity (N40192-15-D-9008).
*Small business
*Link for This article compiled by K. V. Seth + U.S. DoD issued No. CR-219-14 November 14, 2014 
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*Photograph: IPF (International Pool of Friends) + DTN News / otherwise source stated
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated November 13, 2014

DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated November 13, 2014
Source: K. V. Seth - DTN News + U.S. DoD issued No. CR-218-14 November 13, 2014
(NSI News Source Info) KOTTAKKAL, Kerala INDIA - November 13, 2014: U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) Contracts issued November 13, 2014 are undermentioned;


AmerisourceBergen Drug Corp., Chesterbrook, Pennsylvania, has been awarded an estimated $4,055,350,448 firm-fixed-price contract for prime vendor pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical-related products and support for worldwide distribution.  This contract was a competitive acquisition, and four offers were received.  This is a thirty-month base contract with three 30-month option periods.  Location of performance is Pennsylvania with a May 12, 2017 performance completion date.  Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, DoD retirees and dependents as well as federal civilian agencies. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DX-15-D-1000).
DMS Pharmaceutical Group, Inc.,** Park Ridge, Illinois, has been awarded an estimated $92,030,006 firm-fixed-price contract for prime vendor pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical-related products and support for worldwide distribution. This contract was a competitive acquisition, and three offers were received.  This is a thirty-month base contract with three 30-month option periods.  Location of performance is Illinois with a May 12, 2017 performance completion date.  Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, DoD retirees and dependents as well as federal civilian agencies.  Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 defense working capital funds.  The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DX-15-D-9000).
Dakota Drug, Inc.,* Minot, North Dakota, has been awarded an estimated $16,689,043 firm-fixed-price contract for prime vendor pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical-related products and support for the Upper Prairie Region (North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota).  This contract was a competitive acquisition, and one offer was received.  This is a thirty-month base contract with three 30-month option periods. Location of performance is North Dakota with a May 12, 2017 performance completion date.  Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, DoD retirees and dependents as well as federal civilian agencies.  Type of appropriation is fiscal year 2015 defense working capital funds.  The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE2DX-15-D-8000).

Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, is being awarded a maximum amount $30,000,000 firm-fixed price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract to procure technical support for the Range and Training Area Management Division’s range managers Toolkit.  Work will be performed primarily at Marine Corps facilities worldwide, with specific locations dependent upon requirements as they are identified, with the period of performance ending in November 2019.  No funds are being obligated at the time of award and will be obligated on delivery orders as they are issued.  This contract was competitively procured via the Federal Business Opportunities website, one proposal was received.  The Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, Virginia, is the contracting activity (M67854-15-D-7900).
AMEWAS, California, Maryland, is being awarded a $22,500,000 modification to a previously awarded indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, cost plus fixed fee, firm-fixed-price, performance based contract (N00421-04-D-4011) to exercise an option for continuing engineering, manufacturing and technical support services in support of the Integrated Battlespace Simulation and Test Department.  Work will be performed in Patuxent River, Maryland, and is expected to be completed in May 2015.  Fiscal 2015 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $6,254,325 will be obligated at time of award, none of which expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
Arête Associates, Tucson, Arizona, is being awarded a $11,742,120 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N61331-11-C-0007) for one AN/DVS-1 coastal battlefield reconnaissance and analysis (COBRA) Block I low-rate initial production system to support the littoral combat ship mine countermeasures mission.  The primary mission of AN/DVS-1 COBRA is to conduct unmanned aerial tactical reconnaissance in littoral battlespace for detection and localization of mine fields and obstacles in the surf zone and beach zone prior to amphibious assault.  Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, and is expected to be completed by February 2017.  Fiscal 2014 research, development, test and evaluation funding in the amount of $3,400,000 will be obligated at time of award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division, Panama City, Florida, is the contracting activity.  
Watts Constructors, LLC, Gig Harbor, Washington, is being awarded $10,325,000 for firm-fixed-price task order 0012 under a previously awarded multiple award construction contract (N44255-10-D-5021) for the construction of a pure water facility at Naval Base Kitsap Bangor.  The work provides for construction of a new two-story reinforced concrete pure water production facility, demolition of four buildings, and other site improvements.  The contract also contains one unexercised option, which, if exercised, would increase cumulative task order value to $10,328,456.  Work will be performed in Silverdale, Washington, and is expected to be completed by October 2016.  Fiscal 2013 military construction (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $10,325,000 are obligated on this award and will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year.  Four proposals were received for this task order.  The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northwest, Silverdale, Washington, is the contracting activity.
Raytheon Co., McKinney, Texas (W909MY-15-D-0001) and DRS Network & Imaging System, LLC, Melbourne, Florida (W909MY-15-D-0002), were awarded a $28,000,000 firm-fixed-price indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, multiyear contract for manufacturing, support services, program management, configuration management, quality assurance, test and logistics support of the Horizontal Technology Integration Second Generation Forward Looking Infrared  program. Funding and work location will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 11, 2016.  Bids were solicited via the Internet, with two received.  Army Contracting Command, Belvoir Div., Alexandria, Virginia, is the contracting activity.
Technica, LLC,* Charleston, South Carolina, was awarded a $15,659,920 modification (0004) to cost-plus-fixed-fee contract W52P1J-12-R-0018 for logistics support services at Fort Bliss (El Paso), Texas.  Fiscal 2015 operations and maintenance (Army) funds in the amount of $15,659,920 were obligated at the time of the award.  Estimated completion date is Nov. 30, 2019.  Army Contracting Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, is the contracting activity.
Mason Construction Co., Seattle, Washington, was awarded a $10,573,736 firm-fixed-price, incrementally funded contract for maintenance dredging of the Savannah and Brunswick harbor entrance channel. Work will be performed in Savannah. Georgia, and Brunswick, Georgia, with an estimated completion date of March 30, 2015.  One bid was solicited, with two received.  Fiscal 2015 other procurement funds in the amount of $3,699,927 are being obligated at the time of the award.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, Savannah, Georgia, is the contracting activity (W912HN-15-C-0003).
APC Construction, LLC,* New Orleans, Louisiana, was awarded a $8,999,186 firm-fixed-price contract for replacing the existing temporary pumps, installed at the Harvey Sector Gate site during construction of the gate, with permanent pumps.  Work will be performed in Harvey, Louisiana, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 16, 2015.  Bids were solicited via the Internet, with five received.  Fiscal 2015 operations and maintenance (Army) funds in the amount of $8,999,186 are being obligated at the time of the award.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, New Orleans, Louisiana, is the contracting activity (W912P8-15-C-0002).
CB&I Federal Services, LLC, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was awarded a $7,829,089 modification (0002) to firm-fixed-price contract W912BV-11-D-0015 for demolition, including lead and asbestos abatement, of White Hall (Building 3) at the former Chanute Air Force Base, Illinois.  Funding and work locations will be determined with each order.  The estimated completion date is Dec. 30, 2016.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District, Tulsa, Oklahoma, is the contracting activity.
Nuvo Construction Co., Inc.,* Milwaukee, Wisconsin was awarded a $7,434,832 modification (P00003) to firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract W911SA-12-D-0010, to exercise option period two of the contract, for the construction of a maintenance facility. This was an 8a set aside.  No funds are being obligated at the time of the award.  Estimated completion date is Nov. 13, 2015.  Work will be performed at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin.  Army Contracting Command, Fort McCoy (North), Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, is the contracting activity.
Mason Construction Co., Seattle, Washington, was awarded a $7,399,000 firm-fixed-price contract for maintenance dredging the Oakland inner and outer harbor channels, and appropriate disposal of the dredged material. Work will be performed in Oakland, California, with an estimated completion date of Feb. 17, 2015.  Nine bids were solicited, with two received.  Fiscal 2015 operations and maintenance (Army) funds in the amount of $7,399,000 are being obligated at the time of the award.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District, San Francisco, California, is the contracting activity (W912P7-15-C-0001).
NMR Consulting,* Chantilly, Virginia, has been awarded a  $14,625,498 modification (P00042) to a previously awarded contract (H95001-12-C-0001) exercising the first of three  one-year option periods for global classified and unclassified video conferencing services, collaboration services, customer facing business application services, and end user training. The modification brings the total cumulative face value of the contract to $49,477,535. Work will be performed at Fort Belvoir, Virginia; Huntsville, Alabama; Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Dahlgren, Virginia, with an expected completion date of Nov. 30, 2015. Fiscal 2014 and 2015 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $1,057,495 are being obligated at time of award. The Missile Defense Agency, Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado, is the contracting activity.
*Small business
**Woman-owned small business
*Link for This article compiled by K. V. Seth + U.S. DoD issued No. CR-218-14 November 13, 2014 
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*Photograph: IPF (International Pool of Friends) + DTN News / otherwise source stated
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated November 12, 2014

DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated November 12, 2014
Source: K. V. Seth - DTN News + U.S. DoD issued No. CR-217-14 November 12, 2014
(NSI News Source Info) KOTTAKKAL, Kerala INDIA - November 12, 2014: U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) Contracts issued November 12, 2014 are undermentioned;

ManTech Systems Engineering Corp., Fairfax, Virginia, is being awarded a $24,802,594 modification to a previously awarded indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (N00421-13-D-0002) to exercise an option for the procurement of warfare analysis and assessments, modeling and simulation, advanced concept development and acquisition analysis support for the Naval Air Systems Command’s Warfare Analysis and Integration Department. Work will be performed in Patuxent River, Maryland, and is expected to be completed in November 2015. Funds are not being obligated at time of award; funds will be obligated on individual delivery orders as they are issued. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
General Dynamics Electric Boat Corp., Groton, Connecticut, is being awarded a $6,795,560 cost-plus-fixed-fee, level of effort contract for the operation, maintenance and protection of the floating dry dock Shippingport (ARDM 4). This contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $35,334,504. Work will be performed in Groton, Connecticut, and is expected to be completed by November 2015. Fiscal 2015 operations and maintenance (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $6,795,560 will be obligated at time of award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) - only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia, is the contracting activity (N00024-15-C-4305).
Science Application International Corporation, Fairfield, New Jersey, has been awarded a maximum $9,500,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, modification (P00002) to a prime vendor bridge contract (SPE8E3-14-D-0904) for maintenance, repair, and operations. This contract was a sole-source acquisition. Location of performance is New Jersey, with a Nov. 28, 2014, performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and federal civilian agencies. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Scientific Applications & Research Associates, Inc., Cypress, California, has been awarded a $9,775,761 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase III contract for a Home-on-Jam demonstration on the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) and Small Diameter Bomb Increment I (SDB-I) weapon platforms. Contractor will integrate their Home-on-Jam seeker into the JDAM and SDB-I weapon platforms and support government-conducted flight tests to demonstrate the precision accuracy guidance capability against radio frequency threat targets in an operationally relevant environment. Work will be performed at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, and is expected to be completed by Oct. 17, 2016. This award is the result of competitive acquisition with 13 offers received. Fiscal 2014 Department of Defense research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $3,000,000 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity (FA8651-15-C-0054).
EMC, Inc.,* Grenada, Mississippi, was awarded a $9,000,000 firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity, single award task order contract for surveying and mapping of shallow water habitat, floodplain changes and vegetation cover at various locations nationwide. Funding and work location will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Nov. 11, 2019. Bids were solicited via the Internet, with 27 received. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, Omaha, Nebraska, is the contracting activity (W9128F-15-D-0012).
*Small business
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*Photograph: IPF (International Pool of Friends) + DTN News / otherwise source stated
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News 

Monday, November 10, 2014

DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated November 10, 2014

DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated November 10, 2014
Source: K. V. Seth - DTN News + U.S. DoD issued No. CR-216-14 November 10, 2014
(NSI News Source Info) KOTTAKKAL, Kerala INDIA - November 10, 2014: U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) Contracts issued November 10, 2014 are undermentioned;

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Oak Brook, Illinois, was awarded a $57,609,736 firm-fixed-price contract, with options, for initial construction and beach nourishment at Great Egg Harbor Inlet to Townsends Inlet, Ocean City and Sea Isle City, Cape May County, New Jersey. Work will be performed in Sea Isle City, New Jersey, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 18, 2016. Bids were solicited via the Internet, with two received. Fiscal 2015 operations and maintenance (Army) funds in the amount of $57,609,736 are being obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the contracting activity (W912BU-15-C-0003).
Walsh Group Ventures, Chicago, Illinois, was awarded a $50,930,542 firm-fixed-price contract, with options, to construct a new high school on Fort Campbell, Kentucky, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 31, 2016. Bids were solicited via the Internet, with four received. Fiscal 2015 military construction funds in the amount of $50,930,542 are being obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District, Louisville, Kentucky, is the contracting activity (W912QR-15-C-0001).

Raytheon Missile Systems Co., Tucson, Arizona, has been awarded a sole- source, unpriced change order (P00076) with a not to exceed amount of $31,657,952 to previously awarded contract HQ0276-10-C-0005. This modification is to align the test program with the hardware delivery schedule for the Standard Missile-3 Block IIA program, which is currently executed under CLIN 0003 (Block IIA All Up Round Development and Integration). Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, with an expected completion date of May 2016. Fiscal 2015 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $4,056,430 is being obligated at the time of award. The Missile Defense Agency, Dahlgren, Virginia, is the contracting activity.

*Link for This article compiled by K. V. Seth + U.S. DoD issued No. CR-216-14 November 10, 2014 
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*Photograph: IPF (International Pool of Friends) + DTN News / otherwise source stated
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News 

Saturday, November 08, 2014

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: Orient Shield 14 Finishes With Field Training Exercise

DTN News - DEFENSE NEWS: Orient Shield 14 Finishes With Field Training Exercise
Source: DTN News - - This article compiled by K. V. Seth from reliable sources By Master Sgt. Corine Lombardo ~ US Army
(NSI News Source Info) KOTTAKKAL, Kerala INDIA - November 7, 2014:  (CAMP HIGASHI-CHITOSE, Japan) -- Hundreds of U.S. Army Soldiers and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force members headed for the mountains to defend sovereign territory and defeat a fictional enemy during a simulated combat field training exercise here, Nov 3-5.

The 72-hour field exercise puts to the test what Soldiers from the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force members from the 11th Infantry Regiment, 7th Division, Northern Army, have been rehearsing for the past week and a half.

"The benefit of spending this time together allows us to work in unison as one team. Although we will fight separately, we have one common goal-defend and help secure a peaceful allied country," said Capt. Andrew Julian, an operations officer assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, from Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

The exercise brings U.S. Soldiers to Japan to honor the alliance and work together with Japan's defense force to regain sovereign territory against an armed invasion.

Each force has a list of objectives they must complete throughout the exercise as they work their way through the mountainous terrain to reach their final objective. Opposing them is a contingent of U.S. Army Soldiers playing the "enemy" who will attempt to disrupt their actions. 

"We use different tactics and procedures, but knowing each other's capabilities and how each of us operates in advance helps us support one another," said Julian.

Throughout the field exercise the U.S. Army and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force forces are putting into play a host of skills and techniques they shared and demonstrated over the past ten days. 

Infantry Soldiers have been brushing-up on map reading skills for navigating unknown terrain. Together with their Japan Ground Self-Defense Force counterparts they have been reinforcing combat skills including moving under direct fire, engaging targets while moving in a confined area and reacting quickly to unstable targets, as well as sniper marksmanship, explained Capt. Robert Lee, an operations officer with the 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment.

Armored mechanized counterparts have been exchanging techniques and demonstrating maneuver capabilities through mortar and tank live-fire exercises.

In preparing for the field training exercise, aviators from the 3rd Battalion, 25th Aviation Regiment, from Wheeler Field, Hawaii, have been working together with their counterparts conducting close combat air attacks, air assault missions, aeromedical evacuations and aircraft refueling.

The enemy is not real, but the challenges U.S. Army Soldiers face are. They are enduring cold, wet and muddy conditions to traverse miles of unfamiliar landscape and using the combat skills and tactics they have been rehearsing.

Although the enemy is make believe, there's a specific operational planning process that is completed long before Soldiers move to the field. 

This process involves studying all aspects of the area Soldiers will be training in, to include weather, terrain and vegetation, potential obstacles and the makeup and capabilities of the hypothetical enemy forces they face, Julian explained.

This same process takes place for all military actions whether in training or in actual combat.

According to Julian, both forces expended a great deal of time planning and rehearsing the complex tactical movements and maneuvers they are conducting throughout the exercise. 

"This not only allows us to be successful in the exercise, but it also helps us build a partner force with our counterparts," Julian emphasized. "Everything we have been doing over the past two-weeks has built a very strong foundation for this culminating event."

Related Images:

*Link for This article compiled by K. V. Seth from reliable sources By Master Sgt. Corine Lombardo ~ US Army
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*Photograph: IPF (International Pool of Friends) + DTN News / otherwise source stated
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News 

Friday, November 07, 2014

DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated November 7, 2014

DTN News: U.S. Department of Defense Contracts Dated November 7, 2014
Source: K. V. Seth - DTN News + U.S. DoD issued No. CR-214-15 November 7, 2014
(NSI News Source Info) KOTTAKKAL, Kerala INDIA - November 7, 2014: U.S. Department of Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) Contracts issued November 7, 2014 are undermentioned;

ERAPSCO, Columbia City, Indiana, is being awarded a $195,217,585 modification to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (N00421-14-D-0025) to exercise an option for the procurement of up to 141,500 AN/SSQ series sonobuoys, and 10,000 MK-84 signal underwater sound devices. Work will be performed in De Leon Springs, Florida (51.7 percent), and Columbia City, Indiana (48.3 percent), and is expected to be completed in September 2016. No funding will be obligated at time of award, funds will be obligated on individual delivery orders as they are issued. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.
General Dynamics, NASSCO-Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia, is being awarded an $18,692,168 modification to a previously awarded contract (N00024-10-C-4401) to exercise options for the accomplishment of repairs and alterations for USS Gunston Hall (LSD-44) non dry-docking fiscal 2015 chief of naval operations scheduled availability. NASSCO-Norfolk will provide ship repair services such as engine replacement/repairs, ballast tank preservations, habitability upgrades and close-in weapons systems repairs. Work will be performed in Norfolk, Virginia, and is expected to be completed by October 2015. Fiscal 2014 and 2015 operations and maintenance (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $16,804,668 will be obligated at the time of award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity.
Intelligent Decisions, Inc., Ashburn, Virginia, is being awarded $8,038,800 for delivery order 0031 on a previously awarded firm-fixed price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (M67854-12-D-4104) for a quantity of 4,350 Dell Venue 11 Pro tablets, docking stations, soft briefcases, 22-inch monitors and four-year warranties to support the Marine Corps Recruiting Command. The tablets will enhance mobility and provide Marine Corps recruiters the ability to quickly and efficiently process new recruits. Work will be done in Nashville, Tennessee, and is expected to be completed by April 2015. Fiscal 2013 procurement (Marine Corps) funds in the amount of $8,038,800 will be obligated at the time of award and will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This delivery order is issued against a base contract which was competitively procured. The Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, Virginia, is the contracting activity.
US Foods, Salem Division, Salem, Missouri, has been awarded a maximum $183,686,009 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-quantity contract for prime vendor full-line food service support. This contract was a competitive acquisition and three offers were received. This is a 23-month base contract, with one one-year option and one two-year option periods. Location of performance is Missouri, with a Nov. 6, 2016, performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE300-15-D-3118).
Sysco Central Texas, Inc., New Braunfels, Texas, has been awarded a maximum $90,000,000 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for prime vendor food support. This contract was a competitive acquisition and three offers were received. This is a 22-month base contract, with one one-year and one two-year option periods. Location of performance is Texas, with a Nov. 5, 2016, performance completion date. Using military services are Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE300-15-D-3114).
Constellation NewEnergy, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, has been awarded a maximum $44,731,957 firm-fixed-price contract for electricity and ancillary services. This contract was a competitive acquisition and five offers were received. This is a 12-month base contract with no option periods. Locations of performance are Maryland, Illinois, New Jersey, and Washington, District of Columbia, with a Dec. 31, 2015, performance completion date. Using military service is Navy. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 service funding. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Energy, Fort Belvoir, Virginia (SPE600-15-D-8000).
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, has been awarded a maximum $24,144,737 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-quantity contract for aircraft tires. This contract was a competitive acquisition and two offers were received. This is a two-year base contract, with two one-year option periods. Locations of performance are Ohio and Virginia, with a Nov. 6, 2016, performance completion date. Using military services are Army and Air Force. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Columbus, Ohio (SPE7LX-15-D-0027).
Sysco Eastern Maryland, Pokomoke City, Maryland, has been awarded a maximum $16,000,000 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for prime vendor food and beverage support. This contract was a competitive acquisition and two offers were received. This is a two-year base contract, with one two-year option period. Location of performance is Maryland, with a Jan. 2, 2017, performance completion date. Using military services are Air Force, and Department of Defense customers. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (SPE300-15-D-3116).
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, has been awarded a maximum $11,230,049 fixed-price with economic-price-adjustment, indefinite-quantity contract for aircraft tires. This contract was a competitive acquisition and two offers were received. This is a two-year base contract, with two one-year option periods. Locations of performance are Ohio and Virginia, with a Nov. 6, 2016, performance completion date. Using military services are Army and Air Force. Type of appropriation is fiscal 2015 defense working capital funds. The contracting activity is the Defense Logistics Agency Land and Maritime, Columbus, Ohio (SPE7LX-15-D-0025).

Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co., Sunnyvale, California, has been awarded a $62,965,362 modification (P00030) to previously awarded contract FA8810-13-C-0002 for the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) Survivable Endurable Evolution increment 2 effort. Contractor will provide contractor logistics support and major sustainment modification to the current SBIRS mobile ground system's data processing for both Defense Support Program and SBIRS geosynchronous orbit (GEO) satellites. In addition, this effort will provide the required operation shelters to the SBIRS mobile ground terminals to perform limited GEO satellite commanding. Work will be performed at Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado; Shriever Air Force Base, Colorado; Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado; and in Boulder, Colorado, and is expected to be completed by Jan. 7, 2018. Fiscal 2013, 2014 and 2015 other procurement funds in the amount of $38,856,056 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, California, is the contracting activity.
Jacobs Technology Inc., Tullahoma, Tennessee, has been awarded a $12,000,000 modification (P00089) to previously awarded contract FA9300-11-C-0001 for research operations support services. Contractor will provide support for non-major-critical subcontracting labor, material, travel, equipment, training and other direct costs associated with the performance work statement under the basic contract. Work will be performed at Edwards Air Force Base, California, and is expected to be completed by March 31, 2016. No funds are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base, California, is the contracting activity (FA9300-11-C-0001).

BAE Ordnance Systems, Inc., Kingsport, Tennessee, was awarded a $9,636,247 modification (P00550) to firm-fixed-price contract DAAA09-98-E-0006 for installing an additional waste water clarifier at the Holston Army Ammunition Plant. Fiscal 2014 other procurement funds in the amount of $9,636,247 were obligated at the time of the award. The cumulative total for the contract, with this modification, is $631,808,527. Estimated completion date is July 31, 2017. Work will be performed in Kingsport, Tennessee. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois, is the contracting activity.
*Link for This article compiled by K. V. Seth + U.S. DoD issued No. CR-215-14 November 7, 2014 
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*Photograph: IPF (International Pool of Friends) + DTN News / otherwise source stated
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News