Israel says IAEA report proves Tehran wants nukes
(NSI News Source Info) Jerusalem - November 23, 2008: A report by the UN atomic watchdog stating little progress in its investigation into Iran's nuclear efforts proves Tehran is concealing ambitions to acquire an atomic bomb, Israel said on Thursday.
"Iran is continuing its deception and evasion tricks. Iran's reaction can not remove the international community's fears and concerns over the real aim of its nuclear programme," Israel's foreign ministry said in a statement.
The International Atomic Energy Agency said in its report on Wednesday that it was no closer to determining whether Iran's disputed nuclear drive is entirely peaceful as Tehran claims
But the Israeli foreign ministry said "the report highlights military aspects in Iran's nuclear activity."
"Israel reiterates its call for the international community and organisations to increase the pressure on the Iranian regime to abandon its intimidating programme to acquire nuclear weapons," the statement said.
The IAEA report also said that the Islamic republic was continuing to defy UN demands to suspend uranium enrichment -- a process used to make both nuclear fuel and the fissile material for an atom bomb.
Israel, the region's sole if undeclared nuclear armed state, considers Iran its main strategic threat because of its nuclear programme, which Israel and its staunch US ally suspect is aimed at developing weapons.
Israel has repeatedly stated it preferred the use of diplomatic and economic pressure to persuade Iran to abandon its programme, but has not ruled out a military strike.
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