UN Forces Trying To Bring Stability In Chad
(NSI News Source Info) December 27, 2008: Chad has agreed to allow the UN to deploy

a force of 4,900 peacekeepers in the Spring of 2009. The UN has come up with a new plan for this force, based on the failed efforts of the 3,700 EU peacekeepers that are already there. The problem with the EU force was that it was unable to cover much ground. As a result, some of the refugee camps are controlled by rebel groups or bandits. The UN plan calls for stationing 400 troops at six locations, nearest to the refugee camps. A thousand troops would be available as a mobile reserve, and 18 helicopters would be on hand to move troops and supplies around. It's a plan, but there's no knowing if it will work until the UN gets the troops and aircraft there. The rebels and bandits are resourceful, and have come to depend on the food and other supplies they steal from the refugee camps and aid groups.

Chadian rebel groups announced that they had united and agreed to hold elections 18 months after they overthrow the current government. The recent development of oil exports has brought several billion dollars a year into the national treasury. This provides more of an incentive for various tribal coalitions (which is what the rebel groups are) to take control of the government, and the money. Even if the rebels held elections, that would not stop them from looting the treasury and spending all that oil money on themselves.
The UN knows that weapons are being shipped into Chad, and often ending up in the hands of bandits and rebel groups. But the government denies allowing arms smuggling (the rebels ignore inquiries), and UN inspectors have been unable to gather any proof of exactly who is doing what. Chad is a big place, full of armed groups who are hostile for foreign investigators.
December 8, 2008: Four Mi-8 transport helicopters, and 200 Russian troops to operate, maintain and protect them, have arrived.
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