Why His Critics Are Wrong
(NSI News Source Info) January 20, 2009: When George W. Bush was governor of the state of Texas, he quickly gained marked popularity among constituents. He wasn't long into his first term before many began to hope he would have presidential aspirations. Little did they know, he already had.
When he was re-elected to his second term in November 1998, he became the first governor in Texas history to be elected to consecutive four-year terms. Of course his being elected to the Presidency of the United States of America was a victory for American conservatives, but it was also an indication that many wanted someone in the White House who cared about the issues that would make America better: socially and economically.
America was very fortunate that President Bush was the Commander in Chief in September 2001. Terrorists like the evil ones that attacked America on September 11 count on there being someone in charge who will fold to accommodate them, who will sympathize with their ridiculous messages and who will appease them in the false hope that they will leave American people alone. President Bush was not that person, and they hated it.
President Bush greets President-elect Barack Obama on the North Portico of the White House, January 20, 2009.

President George W Bush.
It's fair to state that President Bush has faced challenges that few who served have. When President Bush took office in 2001, he inherited a recession. Then there were the exposure and prosecution of corporate greed and corruption by Enron, WorldCom, and others. And then there was the largest attack ever on America, by al Qaeda on 9/11, which was followed by a well thought out and swift response.
This wonderful man with good sense of humor has been the leader of the free world for almost 8 years now and during that time President Bush has accomplished many achievements.
Standing Firm
At a time when almost all the world’s leaders were going crazy and ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, President Bush stood firm and made the correct decision…he did not ratify Kyoto. What President Bush realised was climate change was a natural process and had nothing to do with CO2 emissions. Bush understood that any targets in reducing CO2 emissions would have no effect on the climate and would only serve to harm businesses.
World Security
His Presidency saw a rise in terrorism by al-Qaeda and many countries around the world had a problem with dealing with terrorists. President Bush kindly offered to deal with the terrorists for them. He rounded them up and placed them in a detention centre called Guantanamo Bay. This of course made the world a much safer place.
Saddam Hussein, former dictator of Iraq, failed to comply with 11 UN Resolutions so President Bush had no choice but to liberate the Iraqi people from a brutal, evil man and rid Iraq of terrorist groups. Iraq was not an overnight success but President Bush has decided to stay the course until the job is done and not cut and run like some of our so-called allies have done.I consider President Bush to be one of the greatest Presidents of all time. He stood firm against the climate nutters; he made the world a safer place; he liberated the Iraqi people; he pointed out to the world, the axis of evil; and of course he had many more achievements, too many to put in a small blog article.
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