(NSI News Source Info) February 21, 2009: The Justice Department has ch
arged a California man for allegedly lying about his identity and immigration status, and failing to disclose that he has been associating with senior al Qaeda leaders. According to a newly-released indictment, Ahmadullah Sais Niazi hid from U.S. immigration officials his association with his brother-in-law Dr. Amin al-Haq, who the indictment says is the security coordinator for Osama bin Laden, and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, another Islamic radical suspected of supporting "terrorists acts carried out by al Qaeda and the Taliban."
Niazi and his attorney were unreachable for comment.
The FBI learned last year that Niazi and his wife allegedly had used the Hawala system, unlicensed money transfers popular in the Middle East and Asia, to transfer money to Afghanistan and Pakistan, according to an FBI affidavit filed in the case.

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