*Reliable identification avoids accidental attacks on own forces
*Upgrade to NATO standards enable participation in multinational crisis management missions
(NSI News Source Info) April 6, 2009: EADS Defence & Security (DS) will modernize the identification systems of the Bulgarian armed forces in order to avoid friendly fire and increase air traffic security. As reported today, Defence Electronics (DE), an integrated activity of DS, has been awarded a contract worth approx. € 14m by the Bulgarian company Promax99 covering the delivery of new technology identification (Identification Friend or Foe = IFF) systems. The MSSR 2000 I systems (MSSR = Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar) are capable of the latest air traffic control and NATO Mode S and Mode 5 standards. They will be integrated in Ground and Naval platforms.
IFF systems from EADS Defence & Security onboard the German Navy ships (seen here: Fast Attack Craft of the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon) help to avoid friendly fire.

Identification systems automatically exchange data such as origin, course, speed etc., thus enabling precise identification. This data exchange in the military field is based upon encrypted signals which cannot be analyzed or jammed by hostile forces. This complements the information supplied by other sources and in this way improves monitoring of crisis regions. Since one’s own forces can be identified quickly and reliably, accidental attacks on own or allied forces can be avoided, above all during multinational operations.
“Due to the increasing complexity of combat situations and scenarios, identification is today an existential matter during all military operations,” explained Bernd Wenzler, CEO of DE. “And thanks to those equipment, Bulgaria will be able to actively participate in future NATO operations.”
DE has delivered many IFF systems to several NATO nations for ground and naval applications. For example, the MSSR 2000 I interrogator is deployed on German naval vessels and by the naval forces of France, Norway and Finland for the military friend-or-foe identification (IFF). Furthermore EADS Defence & Security is also active in the field of civil Air Traffic Control. DE’s identification systems are used for air traffic control in such countries as Portugal and the Philippines.
Defence Electronics is an integrated activity of EADS Defence & Security (DS). DS is a systems solutions provider for armed forces and civil security worldwide. Its portfolio ranges from sensors and secure networks through missiles to aircraft and UAVs as well as global security, service and support solutions. In 2008, DS – with around 23,000 employees – achieved revenues of € 5.7 billion. EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2008, EADS generated revenues of € 43.3 billion and employed a workforce of about 118,000.
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