(NSI News Source Info) April 3, 2009: The third technical-operational evaluation of the ASMP-Amélioré (Improved Air-Sol Moyenne Portée) medium-range nuclear stand-off missile was completed on schedule on Thursday, March 26. 

A French Air Force Mirage 2000N strike fighter taking off with a ASMP-A nuclear stand-off missile just visible between the two drop tanks.
During the morning, a Mirage 2000N nuclear strike fighter belonging to the 3rd “Limousin” squadron of the 4th Fighter Wing (Escadron 3/4) took off from Istres air base, in south-eastern France. After a long mission, during which it notably was refueled several times in flight, the crew fired the inert missile (without its nuclear warhead) at a designated offshore maritime firing range.
The missile completed its nominal flight profile.
This operation, designed to be representative of an operational nuclear strike mission, was the third and final phase of the validation process of the ASMP-A missile, which will enter operational service this autumn with the Istres-based 3/4 Squadron
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