(NSI News Source Info) KABUL - May 3, 2009: Afghan National Army (ANA) and the U.S.-led Coalition forces killed five militants in an joint patrol on Friday in southern Afghan province of Helmand, said a Coalition statement issued here on Saturday.
U.S. soliders of 3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division patrol during a search operation to hunt members of Taliban in Nerkh district of Wardak province in west of Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, May 2, 2009.
The joint troops were conducting a routine combat reconnaissance patrol in Nahr Surkh district when armed militants attacked from several compounds with small-arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire, the statement said.
Afghan and Coalition forces pursued the militants and returned fire with small-arms and heavy weapons, killing five of them, it added.
Multiple weapons were recovered from the militants' hideouts. "No Afghan, Coalition Forces or civilian casualties were reported," the statement said.
Conflicts and violence have claimed more than 5,000 lives last year while Taliban militants vowed to launch Spring Offensive since April 30 this year to intensify all kinds of assaults on government and international troops.

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