*Source: DTN News / Int'l Media
(NSI News Source Info) PARIS, France - August 8, 2009: European airliner manufacturer Airbus on Friday reported 118 confirmed new orders, after cancellations or p
ostponements, for its aircraft in the first seven months of 2009.
The company's stated target for 2009 is to achieve 300 new orders.

The latest figures put it ahead of US rival Boeing, which as at August 4 had achieved 40 confirmed new orders.
The figures from Airbus included 50 short-haul A320s for the Hungarian low-fare carrier Wizz Air.
The number of cancelled or postponed orders has become a key measure of airliner manufacturers' health during the global economic crisis.
Deliveries of completed Airbus aircraft amounted to 288 over the first seven months, including 235 short-haul A320s and four long-haul A380s.
The catalogue price for the workhorse A320 is about 77 million dollars (53.6 million euros).
Airbus lost 22 orders to cancellations whereas Boeing lost 89 orders including 73 for its flagship long-haul 787 Dreamliners.
In June, Boeing delayed the maiden test-flight for the Dreamliner, which is already two years behind schedule.
Airbus expects to match in 2009 its record 2008 volume of 483 deliveries.
Boeing, for its part, has to-date delivered 279 aircaft this year, 216 of them its short-haul 737s.
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