*Source: DTN News / Int'l Media
(NSI News Source Info) BOSTON, USA - August 15, 2009: The US g
overnment is covertly testing technology in China and Iran that will allow citizens to by-pass internet censorship set up by their governments.

The Telegraph quoted a senior official at the Broadcasting Board of Governors, an independent US government agency, as saying :
"We have people testing it in China and Iran." Ken Berman, the Board's IT chief, however,provided few details on the new system, which is in the early stages of testing.
He said some secrecy was important to avoid detection by the two governments.
The Internet has become a powerful tool for citizens in countries where governments regularly censor news media, enabling them to learn about and react to major social and political events.
"We don't make any political statement about what people visit. We are trying to impart the value. The more you know, the better. People can look for themselves," Berman said.
In addition to China and Iran, targets for the FOE technology include Myanmar, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam, he said.
Berman, however, said there would be modest filtering of pornography on the system. "There is a limit to how much (U.S.) taxpayers should have to pay for," he said.
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