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(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - June 26, 2010: The G-8 leaders are meeting in Canada today. World leaders were searching for common ground on economics, health, security and other issues as three days of summits.Among the issues to be discussed will be fuirther sanctions on Iran over its nuclear programme – building on expanded Security Council measures adopted this month.
The US and EU want tough sanctions but China and Russia only reluctantly support sanctions, and have balked at new unilateral steps against Iran, saying any measures should not exceed those called for by the Security Council.

According to DTN News, some 12 leaders representing the fast-growing developing economies including China, India and Brazil also arrived to attend the summit. US President Barack Obama has called for more spending to keep world economies from slipping back into recession. He is being rebuffed by leaders in Europe and Japan, who have emphasized cutting government spending and raising taxes to try to keep their deficits in check. Obama is also calling for an overhaul of financial regulations to prevent another global meltdown.

The G-20 group represents 85 percent of the global economy and the United States wants this group to endorse the outlines for global financial reform to eliminate the threat that banks facing tougher regulations in one jurisdiction will move their operations to countries with more lax rules. Unmet pledges getting special attention this year: the G-8′s vow in Scotland five years ago to double international aid to Africa by 2010 and to make significant strides in providing access to AIDs treatment to all who need it. Neither of those goals have been achieved. G8 comprises the US, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and Russia.
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News, contact: dtnnews@ymail.com
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