(NSI News Source Info) Berlin - March 22, 2009: Germany condemned on Friday the transfer of power in Madagascar and called for a return to democracy on the Indian Ocean island.
Madagascar's army-backed Andry Rajoelina is installed as the country's new president in Antananarivo March 21, 2009. Jubilant supporters cheered the installation of Rajoelina on Saturday -- but foreign ambassadors stayed away in a unanimous show of international disapproval.
A foreign ministry spokesman said moves by the new leadership to dissolve parliament and the senate 'are further steps that point in the wrong direction.'
Spokesman Jens Ploettner said Germany wanted to see the constitution upheld and a return to democratic values in Madagascar.
He said it was up to the new leadership to 'ensure there is no further loss of human life or renewed outbreaks of violence.'
The president of Madagascar, Marc Ravalomanana, on Tuesday relinquished power under pressure from the military. He ceded control to mutinous generals, who in turn appointed opposition leader Andry Rajoelina as interim president.
Ravalomanana's surrender after being holed up in the presidential palace for days brought months of political turmoil to a head. Rajoelina has pledged to hold elections in two years.

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