(NSI News Source Info) March 22, 2009: The development of political parties is related to the level of development of a so
ciety, the quality of mutual relations and the nature of the state structure. The uneven political development in rural and urban areas that affected the growth of parties in the colonial period and also persisted after the state got freedom. Almost all the political parties currently face certain problems. The first is the lack of democracy within the party structure. Second, they are preoccupied with the sole objective of grabbing power.

Recent statements by Pakistan Govt. regarding action against terrorists, culpable of Mumbai terrorist attack, show that any statement can't be taken for granted as firm one. Two high-profile attempts by the civilian government to make decisions regarding the ISI have been summarily rejected. Political experts consider it as Pakistan Army hand behind such decisions.
Until mid-August, the Pakistan army was almost behind its ex-chief and refused to publicly back the civilian government even as General Musharraf wilted in the face of resurgent politicians.
Since his ouster, common civilians were hopeful of a 'Democratic' regime. That is still far away.
There is encouraging evidence that some Pakistanis are fed-up with the radicals. They want to get rid of the radicals and are longing for 'Democracy'. But the combination of 'A-3' (Army, Allah and America) has been curse for the common masses. The three have looked for their interest only. When Pakistan got separated from India, the base for separation was 'religion'. Later it got a strong root in Pakistan society and state as well. And the radical 'mullahs' capitalize this opportunity in their own favour. At that initial phase of its creation, Pakistan jeopardized to Army. When Pakistan was going under its first 'military rule', America was looking for an ally in south Asia and middle-East as a strategic partner against then USSR. Such conditions for Pakistan civilians turned to be vicious circle for their fate.
Pakistan has been ruled by the Army for the most of its ruled period. What is the problem with the 'Democracy' in Pakistan? There are a lot of, such as;
-Underdeveloped Political Parties
-Strong Army and its Supremacy
-Suppression of Democratic Cultural Activities
-Lack of Political Education
-Islamic Politics
-Political Parties' Lackness of Mass Contact
-Corruption and Lack of transparency
-Lack of citizen's participation
Because of all these now Pakistan is ensnared in a vicious circle of terrorism, poverty of a large number of populations, fundamentalism etc. Political Parties are unable to solve those problems facing people and Pakistan as a country. The development of political parties is related to the level of development of a society, the quality of mutual relations and the nature of the state structure.
The uneven political development in rural and urban areas that affected the growth of parties in the colonial period and also persisted after the state got freedom. Almost all the political parties currently face certain problems.
The first is the lack of democracy within the party structure. Second, they are preoccupied with the sole objective of grabbing power. They have failed to encourage the growth of alternate leadership. Third, most of our political parties lack a clear political vision. All major political parties are accused of democratic malpractices. Their leaders appoint themselves as life chairpersons. Heirs are groomed to take over their father's mantle. Party positions are distributed at a price to favorites.
Both Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto, the leaders of the two mainstream parties, never encouraged the growth of alternate leadership in their parties.
So how can these problems be overcome? It must be some changes at grassroot level. Accountable democracy can not function in Pakistan until drastic changes are made in the formation and functioning of political parties, which can faithfully represent and serve the people through a transparent political system. Educated professional and progressive minded middle class citizens do not have any chance to participate in the democratic process. There must be the mechanism to de-radicalize Pakistan's population. That can only happen if madrassas, Islamic schools which often teach hatred of non-Muslims, are replaced with moderate and preferably secular institutions.
Without sorting out all these problems Pakistan can not move out of 'A-3' control and will get a real Democracy. Establishing democracy in Pakistan will be for the world betterment. To abolish international terrorism it is necessary, as many terrorist base camps are being run in Pakistan territory. Democracy will help to combat terrorism in finer way.
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