(NSI News Source Info
) ROME - March 27, 2009: Saab is set to team with Finmeccanica unit Selex Galileo to develop an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar for its Gripen Next Generation (NG) aircraft, the firm said March 26. The radar will be offered to Brazil, which is considering the Gripen NG for a new fighter order, Saab said, but the signed heads of agreement also foresees "long-term collaboration" between Selex and two Saab units, Saab Aerosystems and Saab Microwave Systems. A Saab spokesman did not rule out offering the radar for upgrades of Gripens that are already in service.
The radar will be based on Selex's Vixen e-scan radar, but also will use "functionality" from the PS-05/A radar currently mounted on Gripen aircraft, the firm said.
Selex this week announced the first sale of its e-scan Vixen radar, albeit a smaller version than that destined for the Gripen. U.S. Customs and Border Protection will mount the radar on its C-550 Citation Tracker aircraft.

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