*Source: DTN News / Irkut Corporation
(NSI News Source Info) MOSCOW, Russia - August 18, 2009: At MAKS-2009 to be open at Zhukovsky on August, 18th, 2009 IRKUT Corporation presents it latest achievements in the field of combat and commercial aviation.
During MAKS Irkutsk Aviation Plant – IRKUT Corporation subsidiary – is to celebrate the 75th Anniversary. On August, 18th, 1934 the Act of approval was signed on the No. 125 Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAP) construction completed to enlist the enterprise as an acting one. On August 24th, 1934 the celebration ceremony to open the IAP main shops took place.
IRKUT Corporation is to present several latest products. (Photo: Yak-130 Combat Trainers)
Guests of MAKS-2009 will be able to see the first Yak-130 combat trainer for the Russian Air Force. Also for the first time another Yak-130 aircraft with the English-language cockpit instruments for the export customer will take part in the flight demonstration program.
The Yak-130 has been developed by the Yakovlev Design Bureau which is a part of the IRKUT Corporation. At the IRKUT Corporation exposition (Booth 1 Hall F1) the Yak-130 combat simulator as well as IRKUT Corporation military programs information is available.
At the IRKUT Corporation exposition (Booth 7, Hall F2) one can get acquainted with the company latest project – MC-21 mid-range commercial aircraft family. This aircraft is the most advanced Russia’s aviation industry project in the field of commercial aviation with IRKUT Corporation as a prime contractor.
The Corporation exposition presents a wide range of the UAVs for commercial application. Among them Irkut-3, Irkut-10, the latest Irkut-200, as well as DA-42 optionally manned aircraft, being developed with a foreign partner.
Be-200ChS amphibian developed by Beriev TANTK – also a part of IRKUT Corporation - could be seen at static display.
The Corporation “business card”, namely Su-30MKI supermaneuverable fighter will participate in the flight demonstration. Su-30MKI family aircraft are in production at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant for India, Malaysia and Algeria.
IRKUT Corporation Oleg Demchenko states: “Moscow International Aerospace Salon – is the main exposition for our Corporation. That’s why we present here the whole range of our products including the prospective ones. The IRKUT exposition reflects our success not just within the export-oriented aircraft but a growing demand for new technology stressed by the Russian customers”.
Oleg Demchenko press-conference is scheduled on August, 19th, 13.00 at Press-conference Hall 2B.

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